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Stanford M. Forrester

Former Board Member
Windsor, Connecticut

Stanford M. Forrester is a past president of the Haiku Society of America and founding editor of bottle rockets: a collection of short verse. Though his work has been published in many journals and anthologies, he is most proud of his inclusion in Haiku in the Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets Series and American Zen: A Gathering of Poets published by Bottom Dog Press.

writing a haiku
in the sand . . .
a wave finishes it

                                                                   autumn colors—
                                                                   the scarecrow’s shirt
                                                                   nicer than mine

April morning    the crow too    has a song


Publications by Stanford Forrester

Handful of Sand. Wethersfield, CT: Bottle Rockets Press, 2001.

Buddha’s Fingerprint. Northfield, MA: Lily Pool Press, 2003.

Toy Submarine. Greenfield MA: Tribe Press, 2004.

Temple Marigold. With Vincent Tripi. Wethersfield, CT: Bottle Rockets Press, 2006.

Lanterns: A Firefly Anthology. Editor. Wethersfield, CT: Bottle Rockets Press, 2007.

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This site is independent of and not endorsed by the California State Library. It is operated by the American Haiku Archives advisory board in support of the archives and its mission, which is to collect, preserve, and promote haiku and related poetry as a vital component of literature in the English language. Web Manager: Michael Dylan Welch.
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