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Alex Benedict

Board Member; Website Committee
Berkeley, California

AlexAlex Benedict began writing poetry and haiku in the late 1960s and has continued his practice since then. For him, haiku can distill the resonance between a moment in life and its larger context. Major inspiration for his work comes through walking the hills and beaches of his native San Francisco Bay Area. He has published haiku and renku in Lynx, Geppo, Haiku Headlines, Woodnotes, Brussels Sprout, and annual anthologies. Alex is a past president of the Yuki Teikei Haiku Society and cofounder of The Heron's Nest. He is also a printmaker and video artist (see Solar Parallax), and president of Kinetech Arts, a nonprofit multimedia dance company. Alex lives in Richmond. California.


distant thunder
yet the river moves
no faster

                                                                   and again
                                                                   in the wind
                                                                   cherry petals

cockle shell
in the sand beside me
day moon


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This site is independent of and not endorsed by the California State Library. It is operated by the American Haiku Archives advisory board in support of the archives and its mission, which is to collect, preserve, and promote haiku and related poetry as a vital component of literature in the English language. Web Manager: Michael Dylan Welch.
© 2025 American Haiku Archives •